I was just having a moment of such incredible nostalgia that I thought I needed to take a minute and reflect. Iapos;m sitting listening to some Dave Mathews and its getting really cold here, reminds me why I LOVE fall. Pretty days for dog walking and making soup and cool nights that make you want to snuggle and throw on old quilts from when you were younger.
I even turned off my desk light, the music and the dark reminds me of driving back in my car in high school. I didnapos;t have heat and I only had a tape deck, and DMB was one of my two cassette tapes. Iapos;d be driving down Briley after� dropping Jeremy off and racing to get home by curfew but the road near the Ashland city exit would be empty and I would push my little Tercel around curves in the dark with the music blaring and all the windows open.
I know a lot of people wouldnapos;t go back to high school given the choice ( and a very unlikely time machine) but I would only for certain moments and being completely by myself and driving my old car late at night on empty roads with my windows down is a feeling I havenapos;t been able to recreate as an adult. There is just something really adolescent and illogical about it I canapos;t manage without feeling self-conscious.
Anyway grad school is good, life is good Iapos;m on Fall break and I plan on taking the dog on a LONG walk tomarrow. Maybe even drag Adam out to a corn maze this week. I bought apple juice and mulling spices so one of these nights Iapos;m gonna make a big pot of cider
Adam and I finally set a wedding date, looks like weapos;ll be getting married with our families then hopefully throwing a keg/grilling out sort of party the next night for our friends. So clear up Sunday the 18th of October 2009 and make plans to drink and fool around in Knoxville.
fodor savannah, fodor scotland.

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