I dont think i can handle julie anymore. She makes snide comments about how we raise our children. The current one, we are switching raven from bottle to cup (weird looking sippy cup that tips like a real cup) cold turkey, and sheapos;s making comments on the fact that raven is spilling more on her than she is getting in her mouth. Her comments were "great have to change the kid every time she takes a drink" and "thanks i wanted to wear it"
eric and her rearranged the livingroom late lastnight after i went to bed. I donapos;t like it, not one bit. Huge waste of space and the only thing that is going to happen, is that everything behind the couch will be the new dumping ground for everything eric doesnapos;t want to put away. Iapos;m freaking miserable in the livingroom, and i have to shut up and deal with it. I am not allowed to change it because julie is backing him up. They say everything is baby proofed, nothing is baby proofed, things are just hidden behind the couch. How is that going to help her learn when she goes places with heavy wooden tables in front of the couch?
anyway iapos;ve been up since 5:30 this morning so upset iapos;ve been shaking. I spent the day rearranging ravenapos;s room, putting robinapos;s crib together, made ravenapos;s bed a toddler bed, and put away clothes/got rid of clothes that wont fit. Finally ate for the first time today. And...
iapos;m freakin pissed off . I donapos;t like my living room. Grrrrrrrrrrrr
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