�Itapos;s a global financial crisis out there people� And itapos;s pretty grim too - thereapos;s only so much that can be done and not� that much out of apos;so muchapos; will be of much help.� If of any for that matter.� Which means we are rather screwed.� All of us.� So it goes.
Experts say roughly 18 months of deep shit will be followed by global economyapos;s resurrection.� Which means thereapos;s also a good news at the other end of the tunnel.� For some of us.� Those who will make it to the other side.� So it goes.
The sharpest recommendation those financial proapos;s did come up with was... "spend less"� so i am considering to cancel my trip to thailand in gross attempt to prepare for long and hungry winter.� Because people what iapos;m thinking here is - those producers of fmcg crap e.g. Poor old pg will probably lose little sleep over the whole thing (letapos;s hope the grimness factor isnapos;t stopping people from brushing their teeth and using deodorant, god forbid).�� Itapos;s a totally different matter with, say, car producers:� gm went down by almost 30 last few days on wall street and announced merge with chrysler.� Thatapos;s right, combine two sinking companies and hope theyapos;ll swim.� Up.� Bottom up.� And how about commercial film producers?� What future beholds for our kind?� Letapos;s see: our major clients this year have been car producers (hmmm...), banks (yeah, right) And donapos;t forget insurance companies (after they are done paying out mortgage debts, theyapos;ll definitely spare us some cash).� What are we left with then?� Well, why - fmcg companies (mr.proper, if you forgot, does it twice faster), food products (orbit, i hope you do remember, lasts twice longer) and mobile providers (now that you all are broke, text messages after midnight are twice cheaper).� Itapos;s gonna be a fun time, folks�
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