воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

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Just got home from Disneyland, and the nubs that used to be my feet need to be up on my bed with a quickness, but I had to log in to post, just for a second. Iapos;ll write more later, no doubt, but I had to record how absolutely fabulously happy I am right now.

I think itapos;s possible that if, at the end of my life, I get a chance to go back and review or relive one day, today might stand a chance of making the cut. This was the type of day for me where I find myself so grateful to be alive, so at peace with the things (even the bad) that have happened... In the sense that it lead me here, so hopeful about what may come. Thatapos;s what living is for, isnapos;t it?

Disneyland was crowded and loud. My back hurt, my asthma flared a couple times, I kept stepping on people stepping on me. But my little family, and my newfound love... THEY are my Disneyland. My happiest place on Earth.

Sweet dreams.

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