Thanks for praying regarding issues surrounding my dissertation. There is much to do, but I am in the process of making suggested changes and corrections and believe I will finish on schedule. What an exacting process Now I know the difference between "honorary" and "earned".
This past week I got a text message from a good friend asking those on his text list to send any saying and a Scripture that would help others. He has begun to send those out. So, I sent him one and he used it I got to thinking of some others. You might want to add to the list. We all need to laugh every so often. One thing which most of you do anyway - keep it somewhat clean.
1. "Christianity doesn't cure stupidity." - A friend who has passed on used to say this when a believer would do something dumb.
2. "I'm going to kick your behind so hard they'll have to saw my foot out of your @#." - My father when I was in High School. He never did, and only said this when really frustrated. We laughed about it. No, he was not an abuser. He exaggerated for the sake of emphasis. He could have written for the old Cosby show.
3. "I wouldn't trust that feller in a meat house with a muzzle on." - Again, my father. He was pretty discerning about some folk. Some were national names. I'll be kind.
4. "I would like to buy so and so for what they are worth and sell them for what they think they are worth." - Unknown
5. "I love being with you here in Texas for who you think you are." - The late Dr. E. V. Hill speaking to the Texas Baptist Evangelism Conference and other venues as well. One of his favorite laugh lines.
SO...what you add for number 6?
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