lots a things to do
1. Continuing my job; there are a lots of interview that I havenapos;t continue.
2. Write my plans for my manga club in university - umh -
3. My band we havenapos;t started practice yet oooh we have to covering Depravity Day from SADS. Itapos;s not because Iapos;m not able to sing, eumm.... Iapos;m too nervous
4. Our fansite aishwant to cry
but happily, my Kaiwa class now is canceling 8D aaah...actually I want to talk with Sanada Sensei about Nagoya, <3 she came from Nagoya and she is very nice.
yesterday, I just has come to my home.
yeah, home.
and I heard and saw something thatapos;s very bad...I hate if when I come home, something bad come towards me. I hate.
and I said to my mother, "donapos;t be sad, Mum.." because I know sheapos;s very sad because of this situation.
have you ever feel something like.... Come to your own home?
feeling warm and safe there?
but what if sometime you cannot come home, and you felt everything is wrong, to come home or not. Youapos;re not in anywhere. Youapos;re lost.
and thatapos;s what I feel.
and every time I come home, Iapos;m the evil one.
my sister thinks Iapos;m an evil. I just bring something bad and anything.why do I have become someone that always doing everything wrong?
am I evil?to let my Mum depressed?
But itapos;s not my fault.
I hate
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