Greetings I am awake, alive, and very excited to be posting from London, England. The flight over was uneventful--thank goodness, as I donapos;t always fly well--after a minor incident at the airport.
(Note to self: If I ever step backward into the rope barriers at an airport such that I topple over and take the rope barrier with me, please grant me the good grace not to blame it on the nearest upright individual. Not only is it bad form, but I will look like a total ass when the upright individual in question turns out to be slightly less upright than I had thought due to reliance on a cane in the opposite hand, thus making it virtually impossible for said somewhat upright individual to have knocked me over in the first place. And also make me punch my travelling companion in the face if she claims that all the locals are out to get the Danish, because as far as I know most Americans donapos;t know that this refers to a nationality as wellas a pastry.)
Weapos;ve done the basics: Wrestle hugely overweight baggage up and down staircases in the London subway system, checked into a hotel, slept for some huge amount of time, and best of all, spent the afternoon at Westminster Abbey. Which . . . Wow.
And now, off to the bookstore
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