Iapos;ve decided to jump on the bandwagon, albeit slightly late.
So, Iapos;ll update with yesterdayapos;s news.
Monday was, as itapos;s apt to be, tedious. However, it wasnapos;t as bad as last Monday when I was all "Fire and Brimstone" Leah and everyone was tiptoeing around me. THat was what I like to call "tender-induced" fury. We were putting in a tender for a government job and of course they left it to the last minute to give to me. And Iapos;ve never done a tender before.
Anywho, Iapos;m talking about yesterday, not last week. Where was I (this is all very stream of consciousness, but tough - if Owen is going to make me do this he can deal with whatever he gets).
Right, yesterday.
Got up, walked to work, got some things I put off on Friday done and off my desk (temporarily - until they come back with eleventy-billion changes). Worked on my presentation for Wednesday night. I am quite afraid, I have to give a presentation of "Trends under the EPBC Act" for clients - my first time. Fortunately I have my boss to turn to if they have any questions I canapos;t answer.
Last night I had a fascinating seminar to attend on "Compensation under the Integrated Planning Act". Then I went to gym because Iapos;ve decided I need to do more strength training. Came home, watched southpark and good news week and collapsed into bed, ready to do it all again today.
And that, dear Owen, is why I donapos;t post - the mundane details of my life are of very little interest to me, let alone everyone else
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