And its making my head hurt.
wtf. Wtf. Wtf.
he called for my birthday. Does that even MEAN anything?
i THOUGHT i had clearly cut this off. Business only. I thought?
now i find myself getting sucked in again, and im confused.
i keep telling myself i do not want a formal relationship...but why do i keep wanting to be TREATED�like iapos;m in one? -- like not just a convenient fuck, more especially when i dont want anything traditional to begin with?
whatapos;s that about??? -- why do i want the call to mean something?
more importantly -- how can the call mean anything from someone not willing to reciprocate my feelings? the kind of person who politely declines a plane ticket. Obviously they have no intention of ever coming out. With that said... Isnapos;t that, well...that?
i should not want to see a person like that. And a person like that should not call on your birthday.
2+2 = 4
hence; confusion
++ headache;
argh. I hate this over obsessing.
blepharochalasis syndrome, asl cardinal in number, asl cert, asl cert deaf in ontario teacher.

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