So last friday i set off on my buffer weekend which turned out to be a wonderful and well needed idea.� And it turned out i got to watch the boy to tae kwon do on friday which was awesome and i made some new buddies : )�� And it just added to my newfound interest of martial arts It was a wonderful weekend though, and i definatly had a break down on sunday.� It was bad. I was a sobbing mess of a carrie, i was just so scared to go off and start my own life and leave everyhting i was used to... And then add that to my normal hatred of leaving the boy... His poor shirt was slightly tear stained.� But he calmed me down a bit and gave me some good advice and a pile of tissues and i was on my way...
And boy did i use those tissues the first hour of the drive.� But i made my way to Tiffs, through construction and a missed turn.� Tiffany was wonderful though.� As were her 2 kitties.� She showed me around the area, and how to get to work and so on... And monday morning she packed me a lunch
And work, oh man, i actually really like it� Right now im still really only in reception, but if im having this much fun (ish) in reception, i think ill be set for when i move on to the other duties��And ive been told im picking things up really fast and such : )�� Im still a bit iffy on phone pagingness, but phones are weird like that.� Im a master at pet walks though� Thats just when we check the client in, take them back, weigh their pet, put them in a room, and let the doctor or tech know that theyre there.� Everyones so nice though, and i get along with pretty muvh everyone (theres one woman i havent really clicked with yet, but its not like we dont get along).� But i made it through my first week pretty unscathed and im looking forward to my next week, ans seeing what happens (like seeing if our phone company screws up again... 2 days in a row we lost use of our phones...which was bad).� I know i could be explaining things so much better for you all... Ill try and update more often now telling you all interesting work stories
Today i moved in ahhhhh�� I was a mess on and off through the day, just getting overwhelmed and stressed, but i tried not to take it out on my family. Mom, Ernie, Dad, Katie, Nate and Matt were all here, so it got overwhelmingly crowded at times. Everyone was such a big help though, and everything got moved in so fast� Katie took care of the kitchen and dishes and pots and pans for me which was a relief and ernie went out and boight me blinds for my windows and dad ran out and got some drinks for everyone.� Now all i really have left to unpack is books, nic nacs/picture frames and all my tea... Plus a bit of organizing in my room....� i still ned to go grocery shopping and buy a mattress too.�� It hasnt sunk in that i have my own place.� I love it though. Its so colorful and small and cute and not too cluttered and theres happy bookshelves and comfy chairs and cubbords in the kitchen
And i found wireless under the window (my landlady told me to look there for it) so i can still get on now and then to check e mail and lj and such� But i should go now, nates staying on the livingroom floor tonight and weapos;re watching some movies right now with popcorn : )���My house and I cant wait to have visitors... And mail (though we did get a jennie card with a jennie picture... Which is going on my fridge).
ahhhhh i have my own place this is so weird
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