понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

cloud experiment for kid

Iapos;ve decided to jump on the bandwagon, albeit slightly late.

So, Iapos;ll update with yesterdayapos;s news.

Monday was, as itapos;s apt to be, tedious. However, it wasnapos;t as bad as last Monday when I was all "Fire and Brimstone" Leah and everyone was tiptoeing around me. THat was what I like to call "tender-induced" fury. We were putting in a tender for a government job and of course they left it to the last minute to give to me. And Iapos;ve never done a tender before.

Anywho, Iapos;m talking about yesterday, not last week. Where was I (this is all very stream of consciousness, but tough - if Owen is going to make me do this he can deal with whatever he gets).

Right, yesterday.
Got up, walked to work, got some things I put off on Friday done and off my desk (temporarily - until they come back with eleventy-billion changes). Worked on my presentation for Wednesday night. I am quite afraid, I have to give a presentation of "Trends under the EPBC Act" for clients - my first time. Fortunately I have my boss to turn to if they have any questions I canapos;t answer.

Last night I had a fascinating seminar to attend on "Compensation under the Integrated Planning Act". Then I went to gym because Iapos;ve decided I need to do more strength training. Came home, watched southpark and good news week and collapsed into bed, ready to do it all again today.

And that, dear Owen, is why I donapos;t post - the mundane details of my life are of very little interest to me, let alone everyone else

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florida college of health

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PERSONAL (because public disclosure is a powerful motivator)

This blogger's 7-day average weight is 173.5, down 0.1. He's 6 pounds from his goal of 167.5. Food yesterday: 1/4 lb bacon cheeseburger and small ice cream cone. No significant exercise.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

fodor savannah

I was just having a moment of such incredible nostalgia that I thought I needed to take a minute and reflect. Iapos;m sitting listening to some Dave Mathews and its getting really cold here, reminds me why I LOVE fall. Pretty days for dog walking and making soup and cool nights that make you want to snuggle and throw on old quilts from when you were younger.

I even turned off my desk light, the music and the dark reminds me of driving back in my car in high school. I didnapos;t have heat and I only had a tape deck, and DMB was one of my two cassette tapes. Iapos;d be driving down Briley after� dropping Jeremy off and racing to get home by curfew but the road near the Ashland city exit would be empty and I would push my little Tercel around curves in the dark with the music blaring and all the windows open.

I know a lot of people wouldnapos;t go back to high school given the choice ( and a very unlikely time machine) but I would only for certain moments and being completely by myself and driving my old car late at night on empty roads with my windows down is a feeling I havenapos;t been able to recreate as an adult. There is just something really adolescent and illogical about it I canapos;t manage without feeling self-conscious.


Anyway grad school is good, life is good Iapos;m on Fall break and I plan on taking the dog on a LONG walk tomarrow. Maybe even drag Adam out to a corn maze this week. I bought apple juice and mulling spices so one of these nights Iapos;m gonna make a big pot of cider

Adam and I finally set a wedding date, looks like weapos;ll be getting married with our families then hopefully throwing a keg/grilling out sort of party the next night for our friends. So clear up Sunday the 18th of October 2009 and make plans to drink and fool around in Knoxville.
fodor savannah, fodor scotland.

big screen comparisons


So last friday i set off on my buffer weekend which turned out to be a wonderful and well needed idea.� And it turned out i got to watch the boy to tae kwon do on friday which was awesome and i made some new buddies : )�� And it just added to my newfound interest of martial arts It was a wonderful weekend though, and i definatly had a break down on sunday.� It was bad. I was a sobbing mess of a carrie, i was just so scared to go off and start my own life and leave everyhting i was used to... And then add that to my normal hatred of leaving the boy... His poor shirt was slightly tear stained.� But he calmed me down a bit and gave me some good advice and a pile of tissues and i was on my way...

And boy did i use those tissues the first hour of the drive.� But i made my way to Tiffs, through construction and a missed turn.� Tiffany was wonderful though.� As were her 2 kitties.� She showed me around the area, and how to get to work and so on... And monday morning she packed me a lunch

And work, oh man, i actually really like it� Right now im still really only in reception, but if im having this much fun (ish) in reception, i think ill be set for when i move on to the other duties��And ive been told im picking things up really fast and such : )�� Im still a bit iffy on phone pagingness, but phones are weird like that.� Im a master at pet walks though� Thats just when we check the client in, take them back, weigh their pet, put them in a room, and let the doctor or tech know that theyre there.� Everyones so nice though, and i get along with pretty muvh everyone (theres one woman i havent really clicked with yet, but its not like we dont get along).� But i made it through my first week pretty unscathed and im looking forward to my next week, ans seeing what happens (like seeing if our phone company screws up again... 2 days in a row we lost use of our phones...which was bad).� I know i could be explaining things so much better for you all... Ill try and update more often now telling you all interesting work stories

Today i moved in ahhhhh�� I was a mess on and off through the day, just getting overwhelmed and stressed, but i tried not to take it out on my family. Mom, Ernie, Dad, Katie, Nate and Matt were all here, so it got overwhelmingly crowded at times. Everyone was such a big help though, and everything got moved in so fast� Katie took care of the kitchen and dishes and pots and pans for me which was a relief and ernie went out and boight me blinds for my windows and dad ran out and got some drinks for everyone.� Now all i really have left to unpack is books, nic nacs/picture frames and all my tea... Plus a bit of organizing in my room....� i still ned to go grocery shopping and buy a mattress too.�� It hasnt sunk in that i have my own place.� I love it though. Its so colorful and small and cute and not too cluttered and theres happy bookshelves and comfy chairs and cubbords in the kitchen

And i found wireless under the window (my landlady told me to look there for it) so i can still get on now and then to check e mail and lj and such� But i should go now, nates staying on the livingroom floor tonight and weapos;re watching some movies right now with popcorn : )���My house and I cant wait to have visitors... And mail (though we did get a jennie card with a jennie picture... Which is going on my fridge).

ahhhhh i have my own place this is so weird

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adresi teslimat

Thanks for praying regarding issues surrounding my dissertation. There is much to do, but I am in the process of making suggested changes and corrections and believe I will finish on schedule. What an exacting process Now I know the difference between "honorary" and "earned".

This past week I got a text message from a good friend asking those on his text list to send any saying and a Scripture that would help others. He has begun to send those out. So, I sent him one and he used it I got to thinking of some others. You might want to add to the list. We all need to laugh every so often. One thing which most of you do anyway - keep it somewhat clean.

1. "Christianity doesn't cure stupidity." - A friend who has passed on used to say this when a believer would do something dumb.

2. "I'm going to kick your behind so hard they'll have to saw my foot out of your @#." - My father when I was in High School. He never did, and only said this when really frustrated. We laughed about it. No, he was not an abuser. He exaggerated for the sake of emphasis. He could have written for the old Cosby show.

3. "I wouldn't trust that feller in a meat house with a muzzle on." - Again, my father. He was pretty discerning about some folk. Some were national names. I'll be kind.

4. "I would like to buy so and so for what they are worth and sell them for what they think they are worth." - Unknown

5. "I love being with you here in Texas for who you think you are." - The late Dr. E. V. Hill speaking to the Texas Baptist Evangelism Conference and other venues as well. One of his favorite laugh lines.

SO...what you add for number 6?

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

basketball jersey villanova

Greetings I am awake, alive, and very excited to be posting from London, England. The flight over was uneventful--thank goodness, as I donapos;t always fly well--after a minor incident at the airport.

(Note to self: If I ever step backward into the rope barriers at an airport such that I topple over and take the rope barrier with me, please grant me the good grace not to blame it on the nearest upright individual. Not only is it bad form, but I will look like a total ass when the upright individual in question turns out to be slightly less upright than I had thought due to reliance on a cane in the opposite hand, thus making it virtually impossible for said somewhat upright individual to have knocked me over in the first place. And also make me punch my travelling companion in the face if she claims that all the locals are out to get the Danish, because as far as I know most Americans donapos;t know that this refers to a nationality as wellas a pastry.)

Weapos;ve done the basics: Wrestle hugely overweight baggage up and down staircases in the London subway system, checked into a hotel, slept for some huge amount of time, and best of all, spent the afternoon at Westminster Abbey. Which . . . Wow.

And now, off to the bookstore

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film bulk acoustic resonator

Seems that I really only post to LJ for NaNoWriMo anymore.

I still log on and read my friends list from time to time, but I really donapos;t much get into the mindset of needing to blog about whatapos;s been going on in my life. Iapos;m not certain thatapos;s altogether a bad thing either, unless this is the only venue some of you have for staying in contact with me. Which is easily remedied...

So, if LJ is the only method you have of keeping in touch with me and you would like to have more frequent interaction that just the month of November, let me know I have various IMs, a couple of e-mail addresses, and even a mailing address if you want a pen pal Heck, Iapos;ll even make comments private so you can share contact information with me without the world knowing.

In other news, and the whole reason I started a post today... November is nigh Which means itapos;s almost that time again for NaNoWriMo (www.nanowrimo.org)

Iapos;m once again participating. I havenapos;t finished yet, but the stories Iapos;ve made each year are very memorable and a number of people continue to ask me if Iapos;m ever going to finish them. While I like to think that some day Iapos;ll pick Murray back up and finish his depressing tale, I think I am done with the adventures of the Office Ninja. It was greatly amusing in my head and while discussing ideas with other people, but when I sat down to actually write, I found that my brain apparently doesnapos;t easily stay in "humor" mode and flips the switch to "long ass writing" mode. I hate to say it, but I write like Kevin Costner directs.

My plans for this yearapos;s story are to borrow from one of my favorite rpg game settings, masticate thoroughly, inject disturbing imagery that a few friends are starting to wonder why Iapos;m not locked up for, borrow ideas from a particular video game, fold gently, beat with a mallet, then pour into a gelatin mold and add grapes. Iapos;m going to be writing horror this year.

Year 1 - old person literary fiction
Year 2 - two parts Office Space, one part Ask A Ninja
Year 3 - horror

... Is there something wrong with me?

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

da vinci codex gates

lots a things to do

1. Continuing my job; there are a lots of interview that I havenapos;t continue.
2. Write my plans for my manga club in university - umh -
3. My band we havenapos;t started practice yet oooh we have to covering Depravity Day from SADS. Itapos;s not because Iapos;m not able to sing, eumm.... Iapos;m too nervous
4. Our fansite aishwant to cry

but happily, my Kaiwa class now is canceling 8D aaah...actually I want to talk with Sanada Sensei about Nagoya, <3 she came from Nagoya and she is very nice.

yesterday, I just has come to my home.
yeah, home.

and I heard and saw something thatapos;s very bad...I hate if when I come home, something bad come towards me. I hate.
and I said to my mother, "donapos;t be sad, Mum.." because I know sheapos;s very sad because of this situation.

have you ever feel something like.... Come to your own home?
feeling warm and safe there?
but what if sometime you cannot come home, and you felt everything is wrong, to come home or not. Youapos;re not in anywhere. Youapos;re lost.
and thatapos;s what I feel.

and every time I come home, Iapos;m the evil one.
my sister thinks Iapos;m an evil. I just bring something bad and anything.why do I have become someone that always doing everything wrong?

am I evil?to let my Mum depressed?
But itapos;s not my fault.
I hate

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imonline klinkt als een leuke milodie site voor jong tot oud..maar imonline..is raar vaag gek...ik heb moeilijke tijden gehad en dat kon imonline niet waarderen ze bande me omdat ik niks zei ..ze scholden me uit zelfs een MOD schold me uit...ik vind dat ze als MOD niet goed MOD spelen en zijn...imonline is vernieuwd..maar mij boeit dat niet...ze zeiden dat ik lelijk dom en gek ben een MOD zegt zoeits niet...sommige mensen probeerde me na te doen om me uit imonline te krijgen..en dat is gelukt ik mag er nooit meer op zoals ADRIANA..zij probeerde mij na te doen lees meer over haar op mn webblog..ze is gestoord

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